Wednesday, October 2, 2024


The length of the Pyramid's base is 231.2978 m, The two sides together are 463.85734 m. If some-thing moved at a speed of 463.85734 m/s, in one day (24 hours), it would travel a distance of 40,077.27418 km = 1,577,845,440 inches, and this, according to the Pyramid, is the length of the Earth's equator.

The Earth's equator is 40,077.27418 km long and that is the circumference of the circle T (Figure 1). The equatorial diameter is 12,757.00336 km (EF). Circle T has an area of ​​127,816,480.3 km², and that is the area of ​​square ABCDA. The sides of this square are 11,305.59509 km long = 1,130,559,509 cm = 445,102,168.9 inches. The numbers of Solo-mon's Temple in sacred cubits are as follows (Fi-gure 2):

• portal height........120 • length................... 60 • height................... 30 • width.................... 20

Length AB (Figure 1) = 445,102,168.9 inches. Here is what we get when we divide this number with the numbers of Solomon's temple measures:

a) 445,102,168.9 : 120 = 3,709,184.741 inches,

b) 3,709,184.741 : 60 = 61,819.74568 inches,

c) 61,819.74568 : 30 = 2060.658189 inches,

d) 2060.658189 : 20 = 103.0329095 inches = one half the width of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid = the length of the granite part of the floor in the Portal of the King's Chamber (Figure 3, 4) and the length of granite in the floor of the Portal in front of the King's chamber (Figure 5).


The Latin letter G, or Greek Γ, on the front part of Masonic lodges and on Masonic compasses is a symbol of geometry and it is the point in the center of Solomon's temple, i.e. the center of the circle (Fi-gure 1).

Solomon is a metaphor for the Sun, Solomon's Temple is the Earth, and the original Solomon's Temple in the literal sense never existed.
Source: Petko Nikolic Vidusa, The Great Pyra-mid and the Bible; Mystic Book, Waterloo, Canada, 2020, pg. 23.

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