Friday, October 4, 2024



Once upon a time, kings and emperors were also high priests in their states. As such, they and their priests shaped the religion for their personal needs in ruling the people without revealing to the people

the true meaning of knowledge about God. In the secret language of esotericism and symbols, they wrote "holy" scriptures, through which they told the people about God, devising practical rituals for re-ligious ceremonies. There were also rulers and re-former priests who transformed the inherited reli-gion according to their own ideas, and through the ages religions were transformed into a completely different and sometimes opposite sense of the initial sense.

In such times, when one religion in the people becomes worthless over time, because the leaders of that religion and that nation are steeped in lawlessness, then preachers appear in the nation who preach a new religion with new beliefs that gives the people new hope for a more just social status and higher spiritual level. Aren't politicians trying to gain power over the people by propa-gandizing their political party's manifesto? Didn't the Communists and Nazis gain supporters in the people with the same method?

Why did Christianity appear precisely in the Roman Empire and why did it gain more and more ad-herents in the Roman Empire? Because ecause of the ungodly evil of the corrupt Roman oligarchy in the usurpation of power and because of its evil ag-ainst the previously subjugated people.

How did Christianity spread after receiving the of-ficial status of the state ideology in 325 and Em-peror Constantine the Great? Did preaching spread Christianity outside the Roman Empire and after the Roman Empire? No, but it was spread by military conquest and imposed by the force of the victorious sword.

Why did the church need almost eight centuries and Seven Ecumenical Councils to shape the Christian state religion dogmatically and canonically? How many millions of "heretics" were killed during that time, because they are thought differently about God, about Jesus, about man in this world and ab-out the soul in the next world. Even today, Chri-stianity is neither dogmatic nor canonical, and because of this, hundreds of thousands and millions of victims of different Christian beliefs fall even today. There are more and more differences within our factions, more and more discord, divisions and schisms.

Why is all this happening? Because the foundation of Christianity is unconvincing, because it all started with a cleverly concocted fraudulent story and when the fraud conquered the state power and gained an army of kings and emperors for its support, it began to exterminate all those who did not want to blindly obey them and their religion. The state Christian church claimed for itself that God had personally handed over this world to them for administration and that God had personally given them the seals of the truth about Himself and the keys of heaven. All their story about God is actually just their geopolitical strategy by which they win total physical and intellectual power, taking away people's phy-sical freedom and freedom of thought and speech. With this, the Church turns man and people into its slaves.

And what is the situation today? The same as it was at the time of the beginning of the government of the state Church in 325. Even today, if you are not a Judean, you are a cursed impure Goy equal to an animal; if you were not baptized in the Orthodox Church, you are condemned by the merciful Chri-stian God to burn eternally in hell; if you are not a Roman Catholic who acknowledges the Pope, there is no salvation for you and hell awaits you; if you are not a Muslim, you are an infidel condemned by Allah to slavery and extermination. It is the same in communism: if you are not a communist who obeys the Leader, you are a class and ideological enemy and should be exterminated from the face of the earth. Dogmatic-canonical religion and commu-nism are the same, exactly the same, because they are ideologies, not faith in God and not faith given by God to the chosen people.

And all these religions are actually ideologies that claim that they were established by God and that as such they are the only true religions and claim that their believers are the only chosen people of God. Didn't Hitler claim that the Germans were a superior race that should rule the world? Let's ask ourselves, from whom did that genocidal murderer of 75 million people receive his evil ideology? Hitler was inspired by the Bible and its lies about "God's Chosen Pe-ople". God does not have his chosen people, but only his chosen individuals of peace, justice, truth, love and grace, and only they are the children of God. All religious stories about a "Chosen People" are the lies of liars, manipulators and godless pe-ople.


Time measurement and mathematical constants:

1 sidereal year = 365.256 days,
• number Fi (φ, ϕ) = 1.618033988... • number Pi (π) = 3.141592653... We calculate: a) (100 x 3.141592653) x 2 = 628.3185306 cm = circumference of circle T, b) diameter of the Circle T = 200 cm c) area of ​​the circle T = 31,415.92653 cm² = area of ​​square ABCDA, d) AB = 177.2453851 cm. According to one of the Pyramid's codes for encoding time in length measures (and vice versa), 1 day = 2.466586509 cm. Let's see how many days are encoded in 177.2453851 cm: 177.2453851 : 2.466586509 = 71.85857233 days. Let's see the relationship of the sidereal year with these 71.85857233 days:

• 71.85857233 x 1.618033988 = 116.2696124 cm, • 116.2696124 x 3.141592653 = 365.27176 days;

365.256 : 71.85857233 = 5.08298437 days. Behold: • 3.1415926539 x ​​1.6180339887 = 5.083203689 days,

• 5.08298437 : 1.618033988 = 3.141457106 = the number Pi with three correct decimals. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024


A wise message to the deified world, Zionists, all Churches, their Illuminati and their Freemasons of Darkness, a message to Muslims, Buddhists, Hin-dus, Communists, Atheists and other people of the world:

"Pride goes before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs, 16:18)

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


The length of the Pyramid's base is 231.2978 m, The two sides together are 463.85734 m. If some-thing moved at a speed of 463.85734 m/s, in one day (24 hours), it would travel a distance of 40,077.27418 km = 1,577,845,440 inches, and this, according to the Pyramid, is the length of the Earth's equator.

The Earth's equator is 40,077.27418 km long and that is the circumference of the circle T (Figure 1). The equatorial diameter is 12,757.00336 km (EF). Circle T has an area of ​​127,816,480.3 km², and that is the area of ​​square ABCDA. The sides of this square are 11,305.59509 km long = 1,130,559,509 cm = 445,102,168.9 inches. The numbers of Solo-mon's Temple in sacred cubits are as follows (Fi-gure 2):

• portal height........120 • length................... 60 • height................... 30 • width.................... 20

Length AB (Figure 1) = 445,102,168.9 inches. Here is what we get when we divide this number with the numbers of Solomon's temple measures:

a) 445,102,168.9 : 120 = 3,709,184.741 inches,

b) 3,709,184.741 : 60 = 61,819.74568 inches,

c) 61,819.74568 : 30 = 2060.658189 inches,

d) 2060.658189 : 20 = 103.0329095 inches = one half the width of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid = the length of the granite part of the floor in the Portal of the King's Chamber (Figure 3, 4) and the length of granite in the floor of the Portal in front of the King's chamber (Figure 5).


The Latin letter G, or Greek Γ, on the front part of Masonic lodges and on Masonic compasses is a symbol of geometry and it is the point in the center of Solomon's temple, i.e. the center of the circle (Fi-gure 1).

Solomon is a metaphor for the Sun, Solomon's Temple is the Earth, and the original Solomon's Temple in the literal sense never existed.
Source: Petko Nikolic Vidusa, The Great Pyra-mid and the Bible; Mystic Book, Waterloo, Canada, 2020, pg. 23.