Dagon with a bucket at the tree of life.
The snake is a symbol of the infinity of time.
Behind Shiva is the tree of life with a small bucket on the branch.
It is written in the New Testament, "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." (John,4, 14)
Everything that is unknown is a mystery, a secret. Secret keepers are members of secret societies, Masons or Freemasons.
One of the world's secrets is the so-called "Handbag" universal motif on stone reliefs, temples, sanctuaries, petroglyphs, church frescoes and tombstones. This motif appears from the end of the Ice Age in 10,000 BC and throughout the entire history of mankind until the 19th century AD. This is proof that freemasons around the world branched out from one of the oldest common societies, and one of the secrets kept everywhere is the secret of the handbag and the question of ordinary people: "What's inside?"
Inside is the secret of immortality: the divine water of immortality, the elixir of immortality, divine soma, the juice of the fruit of the tree of life, templars "holy grail". Of course, it is a human obsession, a human dream that they too become immortal gods. So, it's not the bag, but a bucket, a small pail.
In Yiddish, "bucket" is "tash" and it is Serbian, or Thracian, "tashna", becoming from the base "tas", which was the name of the Sun among the ancient Aryans. A synonym for the name "tas(h)na", i.e. "bucket" is Serbian, i.e. Trachian "kab, kabal, kabao" and from that is the Hebrew "Kabala".
Sve što je nepoznato, to je misterija, tajna. Čuvari tajni su članovi tajnih društava, frimasona, masona ili slobodnih zidara.
Jedna od svjetskih tajni je tkz. "ručna torba" univerzalni motiv na kamenim reljefima, hramova, svetilišta, na petroglifima, na crkvenim freskama i nadgrobnicima. Ovaj motiv javlja se od kraja ledenog doba 10 000 BC pa kroz cijelu istoriju čovječanstva sve do 19. vijeka nove ere. To je dokaz da su se masoni širom svijeta razgranali iz jednog najstarijeg zajedničkog društva, a jedna od svuda čuvanih tajni je tajna ručne torbice i pitanje običnih ljudi: "Šta je unutra?"
Unutra je tajna besmrtnosti: božanska voda besmrtnosti, eliksir besmrtnosti, božanska soma, sok voća drveta života, templarski "sveti gral". Naravno, to je ljudska opsesija, ljudski san da i oni postanu besmrtni bogovi. Dakle, to nije torba, već kanta, kantica.
Na jevrejskom jidišu "kanta" je "taš" i to je po srpskom, odnosno tracanskom "tašna", postanjem od osnove "tas", što je kod drevnih Arjana bilo ime Sunca. Sinonim nazivu "tasna", tj. "kanta" je "kab, kabal, kabao" i od toga je jevrejsko "Kabala".
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