They assume that in the name of queen Nefertiti, the Egyptian nfr or nfr˙t means heart, perhaps trachea, in a general sense it means good, beautiful [1] and they accepted the latter that NEF means GOOD, BEAUTIFUL. Others claim that NEF means AIR, WIND, BREATH; BREATH OF LIFE; WIND OF DAWN [2]. So according to them NEFER means GOOD, PLEASANT, MERCIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, HAPPY [3]. However, the name NEFERTITI is a compound of two words: NEFER + TITI. What is TITI? TITI is an adjective derived from TIT meaning HIGH: TITI means HIGH, HIGH, GREAT, so she is titled as Venus, a substitute for the goddess Isis, because Akhenaten, Nefertiti's husband, had the title of Sun.
The bust of Nefertiti is 48.59137265 cm or 19.13046167 inches. It is the relative height from the base horizontal A-O to line 26, 01015217 (a little above line no. 26). In relation to the original measurements, the scale of the square in the drawing is 1:1.85542936, and the symbolism of the measurements starts from line no. 9 (chin line) and goes towards the top of the crown. Here is the meaning of those lengths from the drawing:
a) 1 - B = 1.85542936 cm = A – 1;
b) 9 - 11 = 2 x 1.85542936 = 3.65242 cm = symbolism of the 100th part of the year;
c) 9 - 12 = 3 x 1.85542936 = 5.5 cm = symbolism of half of 11 days;
d) 9 - the line of the eye of the eye (direction 14.3895881) = 5.3895881 x 1.85542935 = 10 cm = 10 days (the eye is day, the eastern sky, and the eye socket without an eye is night, the western sky. Hebrew letter JOD and Greek IOTA have a numerical value of 10. JOD means FIRE, FLAME, LIGHT, SUN, GOD.);
e) 9 - 17 = 8 x 1.85542936 = 15 days = half a month;
f) 9 - 21.5 = 12.5 x 1.85542936 = 23.192867 cm = P = symbol of the length of the base of the Great Pyramid = 231.292867 meters;
d) 9 - M = 14.72435469 x 1.85542936 = 27.32 days = Moon's sidereal period, the time from one to the other Moon change;
h) 9 - S = 16.40419948 x 1.85542936 = 30.43683333 cm = symbolism of day 1 month;
i) 9 - top of the crown = 9 - 26.18874838 = 17.18874838 cm:
• 17.18874838 x 1.85542936 = 31.89250841 cm
• 31.8925084 x 2 = 63.78501681 cm
• 63.78501681 x 2 = 127.5700336 cm
• 127.5700336 x 3.14159 = 400.7727419 cm = 10-millionth of the length of the Earth's equator (the equator is 40,077.27419 km long).
Why was the number 1.85542936 cm taken as the scale of Nefertiti's crown? Here's why: a circle has 360 degrees and each degree has 60 minutes:
360 x 60 x 1.85542936 cm = 40.077.27418 cm = 100-thousandth part of the Earth's equator, so 1.85542936 km is the length of one minute of longitude at the Earth's equator.
Why is the celestial equator on Nefertiti's crown divided into 16 parts? It is the size of a year and its 365,242 days:
• 365,242: 16 = 22.827626 days
• 22.827626 x 4 = 91.3105 days = 1 season
The length of the Earth's equator is 40,077,274 km:
40.077.17418 : 500 = 80.15454836 km = 8.015.454.836 cm.
Numbers of Solomon's Temple: 120 (height of the portal), 60 (length of the temple), 30 (height of the temple), 20 (width of the temple):
• 8,015,454,836 : 120 : 60 : 30 : 20 = 1.85542936 cm
• 1.85542936 : 8 = 0.23192867 (length of the base of the Great Pyramid = 231.92877 m).
And finally about the Egyptian so-called "Royal cubit":

"For the cubit I had deduced (Inductive Metrology, p. 50) from a
quantity of material, good, bad, and indifferent, 20.64 ± 0.02 as the best
result that I could get; about a dozen of the actual cubit rods that are known
yield 20.65 ± 0.01; and now from the earliest monuments we find that the cubit
first used is 20.62, and the mean value from the seven buildings named is 20.63
± 0.02. Here, then, by the earliest monument that is known to give the cubit,
by the mean of the cubits in seven early monuments, by the mean of 28 examples
of various dates and qualities, and by the mean of a dozen cubit rods, the
result is always within 1/50 inch of 20.63. On the whole we may take 20.62 ±
0.01 as the original value, and reckon that it slightly increased on an average
by repeated copyings in course of time." [4]
The original Royal cubit is 20.60658189 inches or 52.340718 cm long and is 10th the width of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid, or 20th the length of the Chamber. Let's take 1/100 of a Royal cubit as the diameter (d) of the circle T and it will be 0.52340718 cm (image below).

A circle with a diameter of 0.52340718 cm has an area of 0.215163631 cm² and so does the square ABCDA. The sides of the Square are 0.46385734 cm long and this is the 100,000th part of the sum of the lengths of the two sides of the Pyramid's base. The circumference of the Square is 1.85542936 cm = 100-thousandth part of 1 minute of longitude at the Earth's equator = the average width of the thumb at the root of the nail = the measurement by which the bust of queen Nefertiti was made.
[1] Francis
Llewellyn Griffith, A Collection of Hieroglyphs: A Contribution to the History
of Egyptian Writing, Chapter I, London, 1898, pg. 65.
E. A. Wallis Budge, An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Vol. I; London, John
Murray, 1920, pg. 370-371.
[3] Ibid.
pg. 371[5] W. M. Flinders Petrie, The
Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh; London: Field & Tuer; Simpkin, Marshall
& Co.; Hamilton, Adams & Co.; New York: Scribner & Welford, 1883,
pg. 181.
[4] W.
M. Flinders Petrie, The Pyramids and
Temples of Gizeh; London: Field & Tuer; Simpkin, Marshall & Co.;
Hamilton, Adams & Co.; New York: Scribner & Welford, 1883, pg. 181.