Monday, October 30, 2023


☀️ 🔷 ☀️
Kad čovjek pređe 60-tu, pomalo gubi tjelesnu snagu, a umna snaga mu jača i on drugačije sagledava svijet, čovjeka, ljude, svoj narod i ostale narode u svijetu. Počinje trezvenije da razmišlja, da spoznaje svoje greške i zablude i sve više uviđa laži kroz koje je od Velikih magova bio pretvaran u njihovog teglećeg ropskog stokana. Sve je to laž, samo je istina da od jednog Boga svi na svijet dolazimo i jednom se Bogu kroz smrt vraćamo samo sa onim što smo prema drugima i prema svemu svojom ljubavlju, milošću i dobrotom, a ne vjerom, na ovom svijetu zaradili.
I radi toga zarađujte svoju platu dok ste mladi, jer mnogi kad ostare, ako ostare, neće imati priliku ili neće moći da zarađuju.

Saturday, October 28, 2023


     Ovako piše Strabo: “εἶθ᾽ ὁ Ξάνθος ποταμός, ὃν Σίρβιν ἐκάλουν τὸ πρότερον…” [1]

 Prevod: “Zatim se dolazi do rijeke Ksantus, koju su ljudi ranijih vremena zvali Sirbin.”

Grčki: Ξάνθος = ΞÁΝΟΣ = KSANTOS

Grčko Ξ (KS) u Ξάνθος zamjenjuju grčkim X (Kᴴ), ravnajući se po latinskom prevodu XANTHUS.

Likijski: Σίρβιν = ΣΙΡΒΙΝ = SIRBIN.

Likijsko Σίρβιν  u engleskim prevodima zamjenjju sa SIRBIS, a originalni likijski naziv je SIRBIN.

Po riječi SIRBIN Likijci su i svoj grad nazivali SIRBIN, grčki Ξάνθος, a bio je ovaj grad poznat i pod likijskim imenom ARNA:

     “Ksantus ili Sirbis (Strabon, xiv.3.6). To je likijsko ime, po Stefanu Vizantincu, bio je Ἄρνα, sto se javlja na ranim novcima…” [2]

Šta znači  ime SIRBIN?

Galsko SIR znači isto kao i galsko SAR, SER, SOR, SUR sa značenjem BAL, BEL, BJELINA, SJAJ, SUNCE [3]. Sve ove osnove u starim imenima Srba: SARBI, SERBI, SORBI, SURBI.

Osnova SIR je u srpskom SIR, SIRUTKA. Sir je BIJEL, sirutka je ŽUTA, dakle je od SIR stari naziv SIRBI i SIRBIN. SIRBIN je ikavski oblik od SERBIN.

Pošto osnova AR znači SUNCE [4], likijsko ARNA (Ἄρνα) znači isto kao i SIRBIN, tj. SIRBIN i ARNA su sinonimi, potpuno istoznačne riječi.

Zašto nazive ARNA i SIRBIN i Grci prevoda riječju KSANTOS (Ξάνθος)? Zato jer i grčko Ξάνθος znači potpuni isto kao i likijsko ARNA i SIRBIN [5]: SJAJAN, ŽUT.

[1] Strab. 14.3.6.
[2] George Francis Hill, A Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Lycia, Pamphylia, and Pisidia, Intruduction LI; London: The Trustees Of The British Museum, 1897.
[3] Jean-Baptiste Bullet, Mémoires Sur La Langue Celtique, Tome II; Besançon: Claudi-Joseph Daclin, 1759, pg. 359.
[4] The Christian Examiner and Religious Misce-llany, Vol. 61, Boston: Crosby, Nichols, and Co., New York: C. S Francis & Co., London: Edward T. Whitfield, 1856, pg. 95.
[5] Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon; Oxford: The Clarendom Press, 1869, pg. 1015

Thursday, October 26, 2023

PISMO SVETOG SAVE PAPI (iz Domentijanovog Žitija Svetog Save)

Pisac ovog Žitija Svetog Save je hilandarski jeromonah Domentijan, jedan od posljednjih učenika Savinih, Savin sekretar i pratilac na mnogim Savinim putovanjima. Za razliku od Savinon kasnijeg biografa Teodosija, Domentijan je bio Savin živio uz Savu, pričao sa Savom i slušao živu riječ Savinu.

Pisac drugog Savinog žitija je monah Teodosije, rođen oko 1246. dakle je rođen desetak godina nakon Savine smrti 1236. i Teodosijevi opisi događaja Savinog života istorijski nikako ne mogu biti vjerodostojniji od Domentijanovih kazivanja. Ovako Domentijan piše o pismu koje je Sveti Sava napisao i poslao papi moleći papu za blagoslov i kraljevsku krunu Savinom bratu Stefanu:

"O poslanstvu Preosvećenoga u grad Velikog Rima
I opet izabravši od svojih učenika bogorazumna muža, sveosvećenog episkopa Metodija i posla ga u Rim ka prehvalnim apostolima Petru i Pavlu i ka velikome saprestolniku svetih, papi velike rimske države, davši blagoslov podobno počasti svetima na pohvalu mnogo časno kandilo sastavljeno bogomisaonim razumom i izvajano presvetlom maštom i prekrasnim bojama izumljeno, koje i do danas stoji kod groba prehvalnih apostola Petra i Pavla.

Jer one svete bogomisaone zrake, gde sami telom ne dođoše, tu Duhom svetim preveliku blagodat satvoriše, svome saslužniku pomažući, blagoslovenom da ispunjava njihove nedostatke; Bogom blagosloveni venac njemu poslaše, da uistinu savršenstvom blagosloveno bude kraljevstvo zemlje otačastva njegova, svakim pravoverjem služeći beskonačnom carstvu Oca i Sina i svetoga Duha, da i oni blagoslove njegovo otačastvo i svojom blagodaću venčaju dobrovernoga saprestolnika njegova otačastva.

I napisavši poslanicu ka velikom saprestolniku svetih i slavnih apostola, ispovedivši mu neutajenu blagodat kojom sam bi venčan od Boga, i molio je da mu pošalje blagoslov od svetih apostola, a od toga samoga blagosloveni venac da venča svoga brata na kraljevstvo po prvom otačastvu kraljevstva njihova u kome se i otac njihov rodi po božanstvenom samotrenju, u mestu zvanom Dioklitija, koje se zove veliko kraljevstvo od početka.

I Bog koji odasvud daje silu i uspeh ljubimom služi svome i ispunjuje sve njegove nebeske i zemaljske prozbe, i tome svetome saprestolniku svetih apostola zapovedi Duhom svetim da mu pošalje Bogom blagosloveni venac, istinitom ispunitelju njegovih svetih zapovesti, da bude blagosloven Bogom, i brat njegov po telu venčan, i obojica zajedno proslavljena još ovde na zemlji, pre onoga velikog dana.
O donošenju svetoga venca od rimske države.
I prinesen bi blagosloveni venac u otačastvo njegovo, koga primivši Preosvećeni proslavi blagodatelja svoga radi svih blagih dela njegovih." [1]

Papa je uslišio Savnu molbu i sa blagoslovom i kraljevskom krunom 1217. dolazi u Rašku papin velikodostojnik i kruniše Stefana za kralja. Sveti Sava postaje episkop i arhiepiskop tek 2019., dakle te 2017. po kanonima Sava nije mogao izvršiti Stefanovo krunisanje, jer to mogu uraditi samo arhiepiskop i patrijarh).

U svom pismu Sveti sava piše da je papa "sveti saprestolnik svetih apostola koji Duhom svetim prima naredbe od Boga.” Kod neupućenih Srba ovi biografski podaci o Savi nailaze na osudu Domentijana nazivajući Domentijana lazovom, jer "kako bi Sveti Sava, najsvetiji Srbin, rimskog prvojeretika papu svojim riječima toliko u duhovnoj u slavi uzvisio"?

E, slušajte sad, Srbi! Vi ne znate, jer vam se vijekovima laže, da po dogmatskom tumačenju Pravoslavne crkve papa nije jeretik, niti je rimokatolicizam jeres, nego se podjela Crkve 1054. desila ne zbog dogmatskih razlika, nego zbog sukoba u vrhu uprave tada edne Crkve, a podjela se desila zbog otimanja za vlasti u vrhu Crkvi. To je raskol ili šizma, to nije jeres, nego administrativna podjela Jedne Crkve na dvije uprave, a po dogmatskom ustrojstvu to je i dalje jedna sveta apostolska Crkva, saborna u duhovnom, samo bez zajedničkog služenja i bez zajedničkog pričešća. Raskol i jeres nisu isto i to Sveti Sava u svom Zakonopravilu, kao uputstva i zapovijesti svom sveštenstvu, na više mjesta naglašava:

"Jeretik je onaj ko je po very tuđ, a onaj ko je po nekom manje važnom pitanju tuđ – taj je raskolnik. Oni, pak nepokorni koji sakupljaju ove ili one – ti su podcrkovnici koji su se sami odvojili od Saborne crkve i, stvorivši drugu, zasebno se skupljaju. Krštenje od jeretika se ne prima, a od raskolnika i od podcrkovnika – prima.” [2]

“Oni koji se ne priopštavaju Sabornoj crkvi, dele se na troje: na jeretike, na raskolnike in a podcrkovnike. Jeretici su, dakle, oni koji su se potpuno otuđili od Božije vere, kao sto su: lepuzini, i maniheji, i valentipijani, i markioniti i mnogi drugi.” [3]

“Svi ovi, dakle, obrativši se iz svoje jeresi i pristupivši neporočnoj very, krštavaju se, jer smo mi odbacili njihovo krštenje.
Raskolnici su, pak, oni koji su sebe od Crkve udaljili, kao i donatijani i zvani čisti, i vodoslužeći, i uzdržanici.” [4]

Među svim jeresime nabrojanim u Savinom Zakonopravilu nema rimokatolicizma i zato su se neki Nemanjići vječnavali rimokatolkinjama bez obaveze da one prime pravoslavno krštenje. To što su neki iz Pravoslavne crkve optuživali Rimokatolčku crkvu za “jeres filiokve”, to su njihova lični stavovi, a ne saborna odluka Pravoslavne Crkve, jer evo o tome stav Pravoslavne crkve i Savinog Zakonopravila:

“Zapadnih episkopa dogma je da Oca i Sina i Svetoga Duha za jednobitne i za jedno božanstvo ispovedaju, jer to izloživši, na svitku napisaše, te da bude od svih dobro prihvaćeno.” [5]

Posto su Otac i Sin i Sveti Duh jednobiti, dakle Sveti Duh i od Sina ishodi i to je prihvaćeno od Pravoslavne crkve i nikakve jeresi tu nema.

Da bi otklonili svaku sumnju u dogmatsko jedinstvo Pravoslavne i Rimokatoličke crkve 1993. u katoličkom manastiru u Balamandu u Libanu ponovo je izvršeno izmirenje potpisivanjem Balamandskog sporazuma. Tim sklopljenim sporazumom obe raskoljene strane priznaju se za Duhom Svetim spasonosne apostolske Crkve sa valjanim Svetim tajnama i sveštenstvm sa apostolskim prejemstvom. U Raveni 2007. Ravenskim ugovorom priznaje se papi kanonsko pravo prvenstva nad patrijarsima i to je i danas jedini administrativni razlog trajanja raskola od 1054., jer papa traži apsolutnu vlast kao što je to imao prije raskola 1054., a ovima se to ne daje, jer papina apsolutna vlast u svako doba može smijeniti svakog patrijarha i episkopa i papa bi ima apsolutnu vlast nad crkvenim imanjima, crkvenim prihodima i bankovnim računima (zbog toga su se i raskolili 1054.).

Je li vam sad išta jasnije?
[1] Domentijan, Zitije Svetog Save, Glava XIX, Srpska književnost u sto knjiga, Matica srpska, Srpska književna zadruga, Novi Sad,1970.
[2] Miodrag M. Petrović, Zakonopravilo Svetoga Save; Eparhija žička • manastir Žiča, Manastir Žiča, 2004, str. 499.
[3] Ibid. str. 500.
[4] Ibid. str. 501.
[5] Ibid. pg. 273.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Voda biblijskog potopa prodrla je u Veliku Piramidu kroz ventilacione kanale Kraljeve odaje. Kad su prvi arheolozi usli u Veliku galeriju po zidovima je bio nekoliko centimetara debli sloj soli.

Vodeni tok u tlu pravi udubljenje slično udubljenju na Velikoj stepenici.

Padajući preko Velike stepenice brzi tok vode iz Kraljeve odaje oštetio je Veliku stepenicu i vrh desne rampe uz stepenicu. U meki krečnjak Velike stepenice voda je usjekla veliko udubljenje kao što rijeka usijeca tlo oko svog toka.

     Kad kažem da su piramide u Gizi jednom bile pod vodom Velikog potopa, neki se nasmiju i ponavljaju ono što su naučili: "To je od udara vjetra s pijeskom!" Ne razmišljaju zašto ovaj vrh Keopsove piramide nije oštećen udarima vjetra s pijeskom? 

Vrh Keopsove piramide nije dugo bio pod vodom i ostao je manje oštećen, a rubni dijelovi vrha oštećeni su talasima južnog vjetra.

Po hronologiji Velike piramide i Mazora Biblije Nojev potop bio je 2626-2625. st. ere

Friday, October 20, 2023


Bell idol (terracotte, 10th-7thc. BC, Thebes in Boeotia, Greek: Βοιωτία, Corinth; Paris, Louvre).
Mill wheel

Two limanas 

In western Serbia there is a river named LIM. The base of the name LIM is LI with the ancient meaning of SHINE, SUN: Galic LI means KING, BRIGHT, WHITE [1]; Chinese LI means RULER, GOVERNOR, MAN-DARIN [2]. So the Latin LĪMO means SHINY, POLISHED [3]. The word POLIRAN is derived from LI as well as the words LIM, LIMUN, i.r. LEMON [4]. These are all characteristics and descriptions of the Sun.

From the base LIM it became Serbian LIMAN, LI-MANA = WHEEL, WHEEL, SWASTIKA, WHIRL-POOL [5].

[1] Jean-Baptiste Bullet, Mémoires Sur La Langue Celtique, Tome II; Besançon: Claudi-Joseph Daclin, 1759, p. 83.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Francis Edward Jackson Valpy, An Etymological Dictionary of the Latin Language, London: Printed by A. G. Valpy, 1828, p. 231.
[4] Petar Skok, Etimologijski rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika, Knjiga II, JAZU, Zagreb, 1972, p. 303.
[5] Lupi Stephani F., Lexicon Serbico - Germanico - Latinum; Viennae, 1818, p. 328.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Copper symbols (idols) as symbols of the Sun, fire and progress were buried under the hearth as guardians of the home hearth. They belong to the time around 2400-2000 BC (archaeological findings from 2015 in Serbia).
Serbian symbol "C" (S, firesteel), on the shield of Serbs from Dacia (Trajan's Column, completed in 113 AD).
Serbian symbol “C” (S, firesteel) on the Imperial Mantle of the King Louis of France (costume from the American movie "Becket", 1964, starring Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole, and John Gielgud as King Louis of France, costume designer Margaret Furse, director Peter Glenville).
Serbian coat of arms

Monday, October 16, 2023


 According to the Great Pyramid, the Aliens redesigned Adam and cloned Eve from his rib 5718 years after the beginning of the creation of the world. It is the 4282nd st. era (according to the Mazori Bible, from the creation of the world to the beginning of the Christian era is 4282 years).

According to the Jewish calendar, from the creation of the world to the new era is 3760 years. Since the Jews compiled and wrote the Mazorah Bible, the question arises why from the biblical creation of the world to the new era their calendar does not count 4282 years as written in the Mazorah, but counts 3760 years? Here is the answer!
Year 522 BC is the year of the return of Zerubbabel and his company of Babylonian Masons from Babylon to Jerusalem. That 522nd BC is the year when the restoration of Jerusalem begins and it is the official year of the beginning of the foundation of Judaism, and hence the hidden difference of 522 years between the chronology of the Mazor Bible and the official Jewish calendar.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Solomonov hram, Velika piramida i Zemlja

Šta je ezoterijsko značenje mjera Solomonovog hrama i mjera Velike piramide? To je smisao mjera Zemlje i u to se uvjeravamo naučnom metodom primjenom geome-trije.

The Great Pyramid, Solomon's Temple And The Earth

 What is the esoteric meaning of the measurements of Solomon's Temple and the measurements of the Great Pyramid? This is the meaning of the measurements of the Earth and we are convinced of this by the scientific method by applying geometry.

Free e-books:

Friday, October 13, 2023



  Current statistics in 2023 say this: Christianity 2.382 billion (31.0%), Islam 1.907 billion (24.9%), Judaism 14.7 million (0.2%).

Christians have almost stopped marrying and having children. They have one or two children each, and many "moms" and "dads" don't even have that much, but walk with their dogs. In addition, Christians received "covid-19" "vaccines" and in the next 50-100 years, with a very low birth rate, with an increasing number of transgender people and homosexuals, Christians will experience a large depopulation. Jews also received "vaccines", they also have transgender people and homosexuals, and by not having children they are quite similar to Christians.
Muslims can have several wives, and many who migrated among Christians already have several wives and each of them gives birth to five or six children or more. Think: what will the population ratio be like in the next 50-100 years and who will lose a chance and who will gain a chance, or maybe the insane leaders of this dystopia trust in new "pandemics" and new "vaccines"?
After this comes the question: will Judeo-Christians declare this my thinking as racism, anti-Semitism, or, perhaps, a hate crime?

Thursday, October 12, 2023



Saturday, October 7, 2023


It is incorrect that the all-seeing eye in the triangle originates from the religion of ancient Egypt. It originates from the mysteries of the ancient Greeks (the Egyptian Eye of Horus is not in a triangle). Here on this stone in the cemetery of the ancient Greek colony at the Parutino archaeological site in Olbia, Ukraine, 6-1 c. BC.

Each division around the triangle is a symbol of the time of one hour..At the latitude of Olbia, these are the 17 hours from sunrise to sunset on the day of the summer solstice. This means that this triangle is a symbol of the summer solstice, and the eye in the triangle is the Sun as a symbol of sight.

Another all-seeing eye in the history of symbols is from the Roman catacombs in the early Church. The fish is IHTUS, i.e. Jesus. This eye is a sign of the existence of the church operative Illuminati in the early period of the church).
The All-seeing eye enters public church iconography from the second half of the 18th century, i.e. from the time of the appearance of the secular (speculative) Illuminati, because the Church, as an operative Freemasonry, is the founder and leader of the secular speculative Illuminati.


The All-seeing eye enters public church iconography from the second half of the 18th century, i.e. from the time of the appearance of the secular (speculative) Illuminati, because the Church, as an operative Freemasonry, is the founder and leader of the secular speculative Illuminati.
Another All-seeing eye in the history of symbols is from the Roman catacombs in the early Church. The fish is IHTUS, i.e. Jesus. This eye is a sign of the existence of the church operative Illuminati in the early period of the church).
 The ancient symbol of the Masonic lodge.
 St. Sophia is the female Jesus, the Creator of the world, the Great Architect (fresco, Middle Ages, Monastery of St. Naum, Ohrid, Macedonia).
Feminine Holy Trinity (fresco, Middle Ages, Monastery of St. Naum, Ohrid, Macedonia).

Inverted five-pointed star behind Jesus (medieval fresco, Decani monastery, Serbia).

Symbol Γ = G (mosaic, 6th century, church of San Michele in Africisko, Ravenna, Italy).
Egyptian hieroglyphs and Γ on Jesus ( 6th c., Archbishop's Chapel, Ravenna, Italy).

Masonic lodge symbol.
C = S = Light, The Sun, Lodge.

"Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." (Psalm,2,6-8)

"Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him." (Matthew,2,2)

"I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." (Revelation,22,16)

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" (Isaiah,14,12)

"I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." (Revelation,22,16)

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" (Isaiah,14,12)

The first historic communist commune is the early Jerusalem Church of the Apostle Peter:

"And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need." (Acts, 44-45)

"And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common." (Acts, 4,32)

"Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold. And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need." (Acts,4,34-35)

Plan of the New World Order: no separate nations, no prisoners of criminals, no free people, no different sexes, no different religions:

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.." (Galatians,3,28)

"The A ti in Revelation denotes the biune being or hermaphrodite deity, who is described as a man with female paps, and he does not differ in nature from the two-sexed Bacchus, or the Etruscan Priapus, with the male member and feminine breasts. So 'Jesus Christ as Saint Sophia' is the male-female, identical with Venus-barbatus.i Bacchus, the biune being, is called 'Ia' as one of his titles; that is IE in Ionic, the same as lU (later IE) in Egyptian, the dual one. Thus lasus, another form of his title, would be lesus or Jesus, the Iu-su (Eg.), the coming child of a twofold nature. The Gnostic Iao, seated on the lotus, is a male-female. Har-lu is found with female breasts. In the Soane Museum there is a Grasco-Egyptian figure of the Child Horus of a female nature, which is only feminine instead of being effeminate or infantile. The lamb, like the calf, was a type of this biune being, the child of either sex, and representative of both. Horus was the lamb of either sex; Mithras was the lamb of both sexes. The human child being of either sex, the divine was of both. The mythical type could only be fulfilled in nature by an hermaphrodite. The epicene Messiah is described in the 'Codex Nazarasus.' 'Nebu Messiah shall call the Jews and shall say to them, 'Come ye, behold! I quicken the dead and make them arise again. I pay the price of the ransoming. I am Enos Nazarasus Spiritus, even a Voice being sent that shall give testimony of him in Jerusalem, but he himself will captivate the sons of the men by the allurements of cunning delusions, and will imbrue them with blood and monthly [menstrual) pollution.' Such language could not be interpreted without the types on which it is based. It is one mode of describing the biune being of either or both sexes, corresponding to the feminine 'paps' of the 'Son of Man' the supposed Messiah of 'Revelation.' In the fragment quoted by the two Clements we are told that 'the Lord, having been asked by Salome when his kingdom was to come, replied, 'When you shall have trampled under foot the garment of shame (mystically, when the woman shall cease to menstruate), when two shall be as one, when that which is without shall be like that which is within, and when the male with the female shall be neither male nor female.' 'Which shows an application of the neutral type evolved from the child, calf, colt, or lamb, to the eschatological phase; that which preceded the division of the sexes at puberty is continued as a type beyond sex; the neuter image of divinity. Paul identifies the doctrine of this unity in the biune one, the mythical Christ, when he says, 'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus,' who was the biune being, the Alpha and Omega." [1]

Such a Jesus is the church's Saint Sophia, the male-female Jesus from church frescoes and icons: the bisexual male-female "God". Such is the Yahweh, the father of Jesus, who, according to the creators of Christianity, gave birth to Jesus:

"Shall I bring a mother to the point of birth, and yet not let her child be born? says the LORD; Or shall I who allow her to conceive, yet close her womb? says your God." (Isaiah, 66,9)

If you want to end the terror of poisonous covid-vaccines, to end the intentional inflation, the destruction of the economy and the impoverishment of the people as the basic basis for the beginning of the communist New World Order; if you want to stop the propaganda of mutilation of children through the ideology of transgenderism, homo-sexuality, homosexual marriages, pedophilia and all other evils against which the Bible speaks, ask your Church for it, because the Church sees all this and is silent, and silence is a sign of support and the Church implements all this through the Illuminati and the Church is the leader of the Illuminati, the leader of the Great Reset and the plan and realization of the New World Order.

You ordinary believers and ordinary members of Freemasonry, no matter what rank and title you have, you have no reason to be angry, not me, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the highest summit of the Church and the highest summit of your organization, who are one and together against God, against man and of humanity. You see what is being done, you are not blind!
Everything has been told to you and it is up to you whether you will protect yourself and your loved ones from their evil, or whether you will join them in their worldwide rebellion against God. And all this will not last long: 2035-2070.

[1] Gerald Massey, The Natural Genesis, Vol. I; London: Williams and Norgate, 1883, pg. 516-517.