Sunday, April 10, 2022


  The Babylonian Mason Zerubbabel arrived from Babylon to Jerusalem in 522 AD, and he began the construction of the Masonic square temple in 520 AD. From that 520 to 2020 new era, 2540 years or 927,714.68 days passed. That is ten lengths of all sides of the base of the Great Pyramid (1 side = 23,192,867 cm).

The Masonic lie called "COVID-19" was made official in 2020, and after the global depopulation through poisoning with "vaccines against COVID-19", the year 2030 is the year of the beginning of the Masonic "Agenda 2030" (Agenda for Sustainable Development). Those 2030 Masons envisioned the official beginning of the Nazi-Communist New World Order.

Masons declared American independence on July 4, 1776. From the beginning of the Christian era until noon on July 4, 1776 is 1775.50958268, and from July 4, 1776 to July 4, 2030 is 254 years or 92,771,468 days = in centimeters the sum of the lengths of the Pyramid base.
People dream, and God decides! From the beginning of March 2022, the God of Light is taking away global power from the Freemasons and they are gradually losing and they will lose and be burned by fire and will fall to the bottom of hell.

The Freemasons created America, the Freemasons are destroying America, and the Freemasons are working to destroy America and the world.

The Great Pyramid shows the duration of our world (there are more worlds):

•  A1 = 1000 years;
• AB = time of the Biblical Flood = 7374.882 years from the end of the Creation = 1656.882 years from the creation of Adam.
• 8 = 8000 years from the beginning of the Creation;
•  9 = 9000 years; 
• 10 = 10,000 years =  the time from the beginning of the  Creation to the  Christian era; 
• 11 = 11,000 years;
• B - 2000 AD (vertical distance) = 4694.99967 years:
• 12,070 years = 2070 AD;
A  > B > 2000 AD = 7344.882 + 4694.99967 = 12,069.88167 years.

The three pyramids of Giza are located on Earth just as the three stars in the belt of Orion. From the western side of the middle pyramid, that corresponds to the middle star of Orion’s belt (Alnilam), there are “91 rooms” or "91 builders quarters" or "91 barracks". These are not the workers' barracks, not to any rooms. These units show that this star will be  by 91 degrees away from North celestial pole at the time of the end of the this world. Current position is very close to 91º, exactly at 91° will be about the 2036 AD. At a time when the Great Pyramid was built (3440 BC) declination of this star was about 16.7 degrees below the celestial equator (-16.7° DEC).

And I tell you again: the Church is the leader of Freemasonry and all the 2000-year-old evil on Earth.

Literature: Petko Nikolic Vidusa, The Great Pyramid and the Bible, Mystic Publisher, Kitchener, 2003.



  Crkvene masone osnovali su vavilonski judejski masoni kroz crkvu, a sve je počelo osnivanjem judaizma 520. godine kad je Zorobabelj počeo da zida masonski hram u Jerusalimu, hram u kojem će svome “Bogu” služiti masoni pridošli iz Vavilona u Jerusalim. U isto vrijeme dvije zasebne grupe tih masona odlaze ka istoku i jedna grupa osniva budizam, a druga, do tada usmeno vedsko predanje falsifikuje i falsifikovano zapisuje kao temelje danasnjeg hinduizma.

Od 520. stare ere do 2020. nove ere je 2540 godina ili 927.714,68 dana, a četiri strane Piramidine baze duge su 927.714,68 mm, dakle je svaki milimetar Piramidine baze simbol jednog dana u godinama od 520. prehišćranske do 2020. hrišćanske ere kad kroz lažnu pandemiju zvanično počinje svjetska vlast crkvenih masona.

Vavilonski vojvoda i mason Zerubabel stigao je iz Vavilona u Jerusalim 522. god. st. ere, a gradnju masonskog kockastog hrama počeo je 520. godine. Od te 520. do 2020. nove ere proteklo je 2540 godina ili 927.714,68 dana. To je u centimetrima deset dužina obima kvadratne baze Velike piramide (1 strana = 23.192,867 cm).

Masonska laž zvana COVID-19 ozvaničena je 2020. godine, a nakon globalne depopulacije svjetskog stanovništva kroz trovanje "vakcinama protiv COVID-19", godina 2030. je planirana godina početka masonske "Agende 2030" (Agenda for Sustainable Development, tj. Ciljevi održivog razvoja). Te 2030. masoni su zamislili zvanični početak nacističko-komunističkog Novog svj. poretka.

Masoni su proglasili nezavisnu Ameriku 4. jula 1776. godine. Od početka hrišćanske ere do podneva tog 4. jula 1776. je 1775,50958268 godina, a od 4. jula 1776. do 4. jula 2030. ima 254 godine ili 92.771,468 dana = u centimetrima zbir dužina Piramidine baze.

Ljudi snuju, a Bog odlučije! Od početka marta 2022. Bog Svjetlosti oduzima masonima globalnu vlast i oni postepeno gube i oni će izgubiri i biće ognjem spaljeni i u dno pakla će propasti. Masoni su stvorili Ameriku, masoni rasturaju Ameriku i masoni rade na uništitenju Amerike i svijeta.

Velika piramida pokazuje vrijeme trajanja našeg svijeta (ima još svijetova):

• A = početak stvaranja svijeta (A-1 = prva hiljada
godina trajanja svijeta). Adam je kreiran 5718 godina od početka stvaranja svijeta,
• A - B = 7374,882 godina (od početka stvaranja do Nojevog potopa);
• B - 8 = 625,118 godina;
• F - 2000 AD = 4625,118 godina;
• 12.000 godina = od početka stvaranja svijeta do 2000 godina hrišćanske ere;
• 2070 = 12.070. godina od početka našeg svijeta.

Poznato je da su tri piramide Gize postavljene u rasporedu triju zvijezda Orionovog pojasa: Velika piramida predstavlja zvijezdu Alnitak, srednja zvijezdu Alnilam i treća piramida je kao zvijezda Mintaka. U naše vrijeme pojas Oriona se nalazi u zoni nebeskog ekvatora.

Na zapadnoj strani druge (srednje) piramide nalazi se devedeset i jedna “soba”, ili tkz. “radničke barake” (tako te odaje nazvaše egiptolozi). Međutim, ne radi se ni o kakvim sobama niti o radničkim barakama, nego su to simbolično označeni stepeni položaja zvijezde Alnilam, srednje zvijezde Orionovog pojasa, na kraju svijeta u vremenu preobraženja svijeta u viši egzistencijalni nivo. To znači: kad zvijezda Alnilam bude tačno na 91° udaljenosti od sjevernog
nebeskog pola, tada će biti preobraženje ovog svijeta (hrišćani to nazivaju “opšte vaskrsenje”, a muslimani “kijametski dan”).

Po posljednjim astronomskim mjerenjima pozicije zvijezde Alnilam, izvršenim 2000. godine, do dolaska ove zvijezde u tačku od 91° prema sjevernom nebeskom polu preostalo je još 12 minuta deklinacije (12’ DEC). Da bi i ovih 12 minuta bilo pređeno, računato po godišnjoj precesiji deklinacije, vrijeme izravnanja na 91° pada na 2036. godinu.

I opet vam kažem: Crkva je vodja masona i sveg 2000-godišnjeg zla na Zemlji.
Literatura: Petko Nikolic Vidusa, Velika piramida i Biblija, Kitchener, 2003.

Monday, March 28, 2022


Mid-18th-century Russian icon.

The Sun and the solar symbol ┴ on the Masonic apron and on the icon.

E = EAST (last phase of the Moon)
W = WEST (first phase of the Moon)
1,2,3,4 = FOUR SEASONS
E = ISTOK (posljednja faza Mjeseca)
W = ZAPAD (prva faza Mjeseca)

Thursday, March 24, 2022


Jesus Christ, the Great Architect.

It is incorrect that the All-Seeing Eye in the Triangle originates from the religion of ancient Egypt. It originates from the mysteries of the ancient Greeks. Here on this stone (tombstone or altar?) The signs are clearly visible: All-seeing eye, Masonic apron and Masonic symbols (Parutino, ancient Greek colony, 6th-1st century AD, Olbia, Ukraine). Thus, it entered the church Masonic iconography from the ancient Greek mysteries.

The church is the leader of the agenda of the New World Order, the planner and leader of all lies and evils related to the plandemic under the code name COVID-19, the church is the planner and leader of eugenics, i.e. plan to exterminate 80-90% of the world's population by sterilization and poisoning through syringes of poisons "vaccine against covid-19", and in the field around the globe Freemasons are the performers of the practical part of all these works, of the world order.

In the video of this sincere Protestant (led by Freemasons as well as all Christianity) you will hear and see many facts about my claims, although I found this video only a few hours ago while collecting material on this topic (everything he says is already in Masonic literature of the 19th and 21st centuries).

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Isus Hristos, Veliki Arhitekta

      Netačno je da svevideće oko u trouglu potiče iz religije drevnog Egipta. Ono potiče iz misterija antičkih Grka. Evo na ovom kamenu (nadgrobnik ili oltar?) jasno se vide znakovi: svevideće oko, masonska kecelja i masonski simboli (Parutino, antička grčka kolonija, 6-1. vijek st. ere, Olbija, Ukrajina). Dakle je u crkvenu masonsku ikonografiju ušlo iz antičkih grčkih  misterija.

     Crkva je vođa agende Novog svjetskog poretka, planer i vođa svih laži i zala u vezi sa plandemijom pod kodnim imenom COVID-19, crkva je planer i vođa eugenike, tj. plana istrijebljenja 80-90% sa-dašnje svjetske populacije sterilizacijom i trovanjem kroz špriceve otrova "vakcina protiv covid-19", a na terenu širom kugle zemaljske  masoni  su izvođači praktičnog dijela svih pomenutih poslova, a sve radi realizacije crkvenog nacističko-komunističkog No-vog svjetskog poretka.

     Na videu ovog iskrenog protestanta (i njih vode masoni kao i svo hrišćanstvo) čućete i vidjećete mnoge činjenice za moje tvrdnje, iako sam ovaj video našao tek prije par sati pri prikupljanju građe za ovu temu (sve što on priča, već se nalazi u masonskoj literaturi 19-21. vijeka).

Monday, March 21, 2022


American Independence Day: July 4, 1776

The Babylonian Mason Zerubbabel arrived from Babylon to Jerusalem in 522 AD, and he began the construction of the Masonic square temple in 520 AD. From that 520 to 2020 new era, 2540 years or 927,714.68 days passed. That is ten lengths of all sides of the base of the Great Pyramid (1 side = 23,192,867 cm).

The Masonic lie called "COVID-19" was made official in 2020, and after the global depopulation through poisoning with "vaccines against COVID-19", the year 2030 is the year of the beginning of the Masonic "Agenda 2030" (Agenda for Sustainable Development). Those 2030 Masons envisioned the official beginning of the Nazi-Communist New World Order.

Masons declared American independence on July 4, 1776. From the beginning of the Christian era until noon on July 4, 1776 is 1775.50958268, and from July 4, 1776 to July 4, 2030 is 254 years or 92,771,468 days = in centimeters the sum of the lengths of the Pyramid base.
People dream, and God decides! From the beginning of March 2022, the God of Light is taking away global power from the Freemasons and they are gradually losing and they will lose and be burned by fire and will fall to the bottom of hell.

The Freemasons created America, the Freemasons are destroying America, and the Freemasons are working to destroy America and the world.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


Letter Z (mosac, 6th century, Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy).
Letter Z on a Masonic apron (Charles T. McClenachan, Book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; New York: Masonic Publishing and Manufacturing Co., 1868, pg. 36).

The letter Z on the arms of the Russian army.

The letter Z (Gothic style) on the war flag of the Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

     The letter Z is the initial letter in the Hebrew word ZION, which is related to the Greek Σιρός meaning HOT (1), and is derived from ΣΕΙΡ, SUNCE (2), or from ζέρος meaning HEATING (3). It is like Zidon, Sidon; Zion, Zion; Ύιβύνη, ύιβύνη (4). And behold: the Hebrew SIVAN (June) is identical in name to the Greek words Ζιβύνη (ZIVUNI) and Σιβύνη (SIVUNI). The original meaning is SPIKE (spear) (5), i.e. TOP, SPIKE OF THE SUN PYRAMID, SUMMER SOLSTICE:

     “He produced Zain, predominant in Movement, crowned it, combined and formed it with Gemini in the Universe, Sivan (June) in the Year, and the left foot of Man." — Sepher Yetzirah, 24.

The 7th letter, Zain (Z), is 1 of the simple letters and is connected with the sign Gemini. Its radical meaning is a ‘sword’ or ‘weapon,’ while hieroglyph- ically it means an ‘arrow,’ both the meanings suggesting the idea of conquest. Just as number 7 is the perfection of the 1st great step or period in man's cycle of unfoldment, so this letter indicates that the forces represented by the letters we have already studied have reached the end of the 1st arcana, the outbreathing of the 1st mother letter, air, and have laid down certain principles which are shown in action by the letter Zain.

Zain represents man when he has reached a step where he can understand the underlying principles of life, and by the power of his perfected manhood grasp them in his hand as a weapon with which to carve his own destiny. Only so can he rule, for the meaning of Zain is also a ‘scepter.’ At this step in his perfected manhood man must become a conqueror, with the kingly ability to rule 1st himself then all nature, and with the power to defend, preserve and use the mystical weapon bestowed upon every Victor, namely, the Sword of the Spirit, or the ‘Fiery Sword’ of the magician.

Thus Zain is the fulfillment o Victory of number 7 is attained by a complete mastery of the breath. The words that are spoken must be words of love and words of healing. The Victor who holds the Sword or Weapon Zain in his hand must have gained absolute control of his speech. For in 1 sense this weapon is the mighty weapon of the tongue, to which so many allusions are made in the Bible. In Psalms (lvii, 4) we read: ‘Whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.’ Again, ‘Who whet their tongue like a sword and shoot out their arrows, even bitter words.’ And again in Proverbs (xii, 18), ‘There is that speaketh like the piercing of a sword, but the tongue of the wise is health.’ Again, ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue." Also at the Great Initiation we hear Job asking, ‘Is there iniquity in my tongue ?’ Hence it is quite fitting that, as the manifestations of the 1st septenary may be called the children of the 1st mother, Aleph (air), they should be completed and the Victory gained by a Mastery of the tongue.” (6)

     “The relation of Zain to the sign Gemini is in the idea that Gemini rules the arms and represents also the masculine and feminine qualities combined. Only he who has raised his arms in blessing and has blended the masculine and feminine qualities within himself can be called the victor over the power of the tongue.” (7)

You see that everything is led by Freemasons: both Russians and Ukrainians and the whole world! The beast from the sea (Revelation, 13: 1-18) is the so-called "the Red Freemasons", the Jesuit Masons of the Ancient Scottish Rite, and the Illuminati Masons are just their branch as well as the Rosicrucians, the Knights of Malta and all other branches of the Scottish Rite, and the top of the Church leads them all.

The entire agenda of the New World Order, starting in 2020, is the work of the Judeo-Christian religious elite and their Jesuit Freemasonry of the Scottish Rite. There was a split within the Illuminati as Putin and his group seceded from the Western and the Western Illuminati are already losing, losing the battle and falling to the bottom of hell.

   (1) Francis Edward J. Valpy, The Etymology of the Words of the Greek Language; London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1860, pg. 149.
     (2) Ibid.
     (3) Ibid.
     (4) Ibid.
     (5) Ibid.
    (6) Harriette Augusta Curtiss and F. Homer Curtiss, The Key to the Universe; Washington, D. C., The Curtiss Philosophic Book Co., 1938, pg. 277-278.
) Ibid. pg. 279.