Today, the federal and provincial governments, as among mayors, are ruled by the world's greatest terrorists, terrorists who act in public but hide behind the positions they hold. We see their terrorist acts all around us and we all suffer their terrorism. They kill people with stress, fear, uncertainty, economic insecurity and kill with their poisons what they call “life-saving vaccines”.
The partners of these terrorists are in the Supreme Court and in the public federal and provincial prosecutor's offices, at the top of the army and police, and for terrorizing the citizens of the Earth together they share money obtained from maniacs from the world's richest elite and poison manufacturers.
Dear fellow citizens of the world, let's not give up, let's stay in solidarity, let's support justice, let's tell the real truth about the villains, because they want to completely enslave and destroy us and our children, so why should we save them from the truth?
Where are the Masons of Light? Why do the world's Freemasons
of Light support the Masons of Darkness? Speak, for God's sake, separate from
the Darkness, do not serve the Darkness, do you not see the suffering of the
people, do you not see tyranny and terror in the name of the Illuminati New
World Order, do you not see that they will poison us and turn all survivors
into the worst slaves. You know them by their names and surnames, separate
yourself from the Darkness, serve the Light and return the freedom and human
rights guaranteed by law to the citizens of the Earth. Without your help, our
planet will become and is already becoming a dungeon of the human race.
Danas saveznim i pokrajinskim vladama, kao i među gradonačelnicima, upravljaju najveći svjetski teroristi, teroristi koji djeluju javno, ali se skrivaju iza svojih pozicija. Vidimo njihova teroristička djela svuda oko nas i svi trpimo njihov terorizam. Ubijaju ljude stresom, strahom, neizvjesnošću, ekonomskom nesigurnošću i svojim otrovima koje nazivaju "vakcine spasenja" truju i ubijaju ljude.
Partneri ovih terorista nalaze se na Vrhovnom sudu i u javnim saveznim i pokrajinskim tužilastvima, u vrhu vojske i policije, a za zajedničko terorisanje stanovnika planete Zemlje dijele novac dobiven od manijaka iz najbogatije svjetske elite i proizvođači otrova.
Dragi sugrađani svijeta, ne odustajmo, ostanimo solidarni, podržajmo pravdu, recimo pravu istinu o zlikovcima, jer oni žele potpuno porobiti i uništiti nas i našu djecu, pa zašto bismo ih mi trebali kriti od istine?
Gdje su masoni Svjetlosti? Zašto svjetski masoni
Svjetlosti podržavaju masone Tame? Govori, zaboga, odvojeno od Tame, ne služi
Tami, ne vidiš li patnju ljudi, ne vidiš li tiraniju i teror u ime Novog svjetskog
poretka Iluminata, ne vidiš li da oni otrovat će nas i sve preživjele
pretvoriti u najgore robove. Poznajete ih po imenima i prezimenima, odvojite se
od Tame, služite Svjetlu i vratite građanima Zemlje slobodu i ljudska prava
zajamčena zakonom. Bez vaše pomoći naš će planet postati i već postaje tamnica
ljudskog roda.
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