Monday, September 30, 2024


God has no religion, God is dressed in the Sun and embraces all the people of the world with his life-giving energy of love.

With Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam, humanity has no way to the common fu-ture, except for strong national-state borders in which each nation will preserve its language, cul-ture, religion and customs, and equal economic co-operation must rest on the multipolarity, not on the globalist unipolarity represented by the elites from the top of the mentioned religions. Every member state of a global multipolar alliance, eg BRICS, must guarantee all human rights and freedoms to nati-onal and religious minorities in their country ac-cording to the Universal Declaration of Human Rig-hts and Freedoms from the UN Universal Dec-laration of Human Rights. Any imposition of unifor-med single-mindedness, as is done by the West led by the Zionists, Illuminati and other Freemasons at the top of the mentioned religions, will lead to WWIII, atomic and hydrogen bombs, the destruction of humanity and life on Earth.

Sunday, September 29, 2024


A candlestick (Menorah) with seven candlesticks is a symbol of the 6 months of spring and summer, between which is the day of summer solstice.

Friday, September 20, 2024


There is no "far right" or "far left" in politics. These are Masons of Light and Masons of Darkness.

The Masons of Darkness had global power from the beginning of 2020 until February 2022. The Masons of Darkness are the Zionists, the Pope's Illuminati and other Jesuit Masons in Christianity. Masons of Darkness destroy countries, their original peoples, their history and traditions, because they want to unite humanity by force into one thinking, one people of one communist state under their absolute rule.

Zionists and Illuminati,i.e. the Freemasons of Dark-ness, have full power in the USA, the UK, the in the countries of the Commonwealth of Nations and the EU (NATO/OTAN is their armed force).

The war between the Freemasons of Light and Freemasons of Darkness has been going on since the beginning of 2020 in all social spheres and all methods around the world. Military crews are watching over the buttons of atomic weapons: the world is on the red line of existence.

The Zionists want to rule the whole world, because "this is what their God promised them", that is, they were planning it even at the time of writing the Bible:: "Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." (Psalm,2,8)


Charles Mercereau, "Freemasonry Instructing the People", colour lithograph, 1875, detail.

666 ווו (Hebrew) 

"Mathematically, the sum of the first eight digits was 36, the number of the Sun, which was further developed by adding the numbers 1 to 36, giving 666, which revealed" the sun (Shin-MemShin, Sha-mash, equaling 640) as the physical vesture of J H V H (26)." (Frank C. Higgins, The Beginning Of Masonry; New York, 1916, pg. 88).

640 + 26 = 666

Modern Freemasons under the influence of Conists and Jesuits have lost their reason, turned away from the Light and put themselves in the service of the Zionists. All Masons who are members of their national religions are 666, because they are at war against God and humanity. These are Freemasons of Darkness and sons of Perdition:

"Masonry is not a religion. He who makes of it a religious belief, falsifies and denaturalizes it. The Brahmin, the Jew, the Mahometan, the Catholic, the Protestant, each professing his peculiar religion, sanctioned by the laws, by time, and by climate, must needs retain it, and cannot have two religions; for the social and sacred laws adapted to the usa-ges, manners, and prejudices of particular coun-tries, are the work of men." (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Charleston, 1906, p. 161)

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Thursday, September 19, 2024


Figure 1. The Royal Arch (12 months).

   "We must conceive of the universe as a whole, a gigantic being of mind, parts, and functions, so ana-logous to our own that we can perceive what is meant by man's being 'created in God's own image.' All this, to the ancients, was the manifestation of an ultimate and unmanifested power. The animating force of this vast harmony was the Sun, distributing its creative and energizing impulses by means of radiant light, and as this light carried with it the intelligence requisite to the due performance of its varied tasks, an active intelligence was deemed to reside within the luminous solar envelop, which (the manifestation, Word, or Logos of the unmanifested God) created and sustained the world and all living organisms. This Word was the great and sacred four-lettered word of the Hebrews, JHVH. It can be proved by countless circumstances that JHVH was the secret God of the whole ancient world; only the Hebrews divested Him of the idolatrous, and often licentious and obscene rites with which He was ha-iled by many pagan nations. The famous number-letter philosophies of the ancient world were means by which JHVH was shown to be the source of every human science and contemplation. As the planets shone with light borrowed from the central sun, so they were, as subordinate gods, spirits or archangels, but the distributors for the central in-telligence, whom the Chaldean Magi called IAO, the Heptaktis, or seven-rayed god. The true name of Deity was not a word simply, but a number, pro-nounced as a word, JHVH, or 10+5+6+5, or '26,' Jehovah. The four cardinal signs being the second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh, 2+5+8+11 equaling 26, so these four signs represent the revealed word of God, in Christian symbology, as the symbols of the four Evangelists, taken from thee visions of Ezekiel and Daniel. Relics of these four cardinal-point sym-bolisms, which really mean Jehovah, which were the true meaning of the Winged Bulls and Lions of the Assyrian temples and palaces, are scattered throughout the ruins of antiquity. There are twelve zodiacal signs of 30 degrees each, in all. 
   The Wise Men of the East, computing the precise length of the solar year of 365 days, 6 hours, cen-turies before Sosigenes, the Babylonian Jew, sold this ancient secret of his race to Julius Caesar, di-vided each of the 30-degree divisions of the ecliptic by one of these numbers in succession, which gave them 'JHVH, JHVH, JHVH,' the triple Godhead or Trinity. Rearranging these letters into 'HJH HVVH VJHJH' (this should be written in Hebrew letters), they saw before them the wonderful definition of the G. A. 0 . T . U., which has come ringing down the centuries.  'He that was,' 'He that is,' and 'He that will be' in 3, 4, and 5 letters (the formula of the 47th problem)." [1]

Really, what does the name JEHOVAH, that is, YHVH mean:

   "The old query, 'What is in a name?' is, after all, not so easy to answer; or the answer might be, 'every thing or nothing,' according as you under-stand it or look at it." [2] 

And so here we will interpret the meaning of the name YHVH from a personal point of view.
Figure 2.

According to gematria, Hebrew numerology, the name YHVH is the sum of the following numbers of the Hebrew alphabet:

J (10) + H (5) + V (6) + H (5):

10 + 5 + 6 + 5 26 = JHVH

So YHVH = 26. What is this 26, what does it re-present? Of course, it does not represent 26 ap-ples, nor 26 plums, but it must be something about the sky, about the Sun, about the time, and first, let's look at the measures of time:

1 year = 365 days = 52 weeks = 2 x 26 weeks = 2 x 6 months. So there are 2 x 26 weeks in one year. The first 26 weeks are from the winter solstice to the summer solstice, the second 26 weeks are from the summer solstice to the winter solstice. In the first 26 weeks, or 6 months, the Sun rises from south to north, in the second 26 weeks, or next 6 months, the Sun descends from north to south. There are a total of 52 weeks in one year and each week has 7 days:

52 x 7 = 364 days. The summer solstice is the 365th day of the year.


a) JHVH = 26 = 1/2 of a year,
b) 2 x 26 = 52 = 1 year = cycle of TIME.


According to one of the codes of the Great Pyramid, time can be coded in measures of length and vice versa, so that 1 day = 2.466586509 cm = 0.97109705 inches [4]. If we take the number 26 as the number of days, then as the number of years, and convert it into centimeters and inches, the results are as follows:

a) 26 days =  64.13124923 cm = 25.24852332 in-ches,

b) 26 years x 365.242 days = 9496.292 days = 23,423.42573 cm = 9221.821155 inches,

c)  9221,821155 : 25.24852332 = 365.242 inches = 25th part of the length of the base of the Great Pyramid (the length of the base is 9131.05 inches).

Figure 3.

Now let's look at Figure 3. Each side of the Square ABCDA is 365,242 inches long. The area of ​​the Square is 133.401.7186 square inches, and the Circle T has the same area. The radius of the circle T is 206.0658189 inches and that is the width of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid.

The sum of the lengths of the two sides of the Pyramid's base is 463.85734 meters or 9131.05 inches. If something were to move at a speed of 18,262.1 inches per second, in 24 hours (1 day) it would travel 1,577,845,440 inches or 40,077.27418 km, and this is the length of the Earth's equator.

The number 26 is in the name of YHVH. We saw that in 26 days 64.13124923 cm or 25.24852332 inches were coded, and in 26 years 23.423.42573 cm or 9221.821155 inches were coded. Now we take the numbers of Solomon's temple: 120 (height of the portal), 60 (length of the temple), 30 (height of the temple), 20 (width of the temple). And behold: 

9221.821155 x 120 x 60 x 30 x 20 39,838,267,390 inches.

The length of the Earth's equator is 1,577,845,440 inches. And behold:

39,838,267,390 : 1,577,845,440 = 25.24852332 inches = 64.13124923 cm = 26 days..


"Mathematically, the sum of the first eight digits was 36, the number of the Sun, which was further developed by adding the numbers 1 to 36, giving 666, which revealed" the sun (Shin-MemShin, Shamash, equaling 640) as the physical vesture of J H V H (26)." [5]

640 + 26 = 666

In the secret name YHVH is hidden the CREATOR GOD, the God whom all the people of the world are looking for, but they cannot find him because the Babylonian Masons, the creators of Judaism, Buddhism, reformed Vedism in the form of Hinduism, the creators of Christianity, Islam and communism, covidism and the NWO destroyed their old common faith in ONE GOD. And to repeat what was quoted at the beginning:

"We must conceive of the universe as a whole, a gigantic being of mind, parts, and functions, so ana-logous to our own that we can perceive what is me-ant by man's being 'created in God's own image.' All this, to the ancients, was the manifestation of an ultimate and unmanifested power. The animating force of this vast harmony was the Sun, distributing its creative and energizing impulses by means of radiant light, and as this light carried with it the intelligence requisite to the due performance of its varied tasks, an active intelligence was deemed to reside within the luminous solar envelope, which (the manifestation, Word, or Logos of the unmani-fested God) created and sustained the world and all living organisms great and sacred four-lettered word of the Hebrews, JHVH. It can be proved by co-untless circumstances that JHVH was the secret God of the whole ancient world; was hailed by many pagan nations.


[1] Frank C. Higgins, The Beginning Of Masonry; New York, 1916, pg. 106-107.
[2] Jirah Dewey Buck, Mystic Masonry, or, the Symbols of Freemasonry and Greater Mysteries of Antiquity, Second Edition, Cincinnati, The Robert Clarke Company, 1897, pg. 81.
[3] Henry Clay Trumbull, Jonah in Nineveh; Journal of Biblical Literatire, Vol XI, Boston: The Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, 1892, pg. 59.
[4] Petko Nikolic Vidusa, Chronology of the Great Pyramid; Mystic Book, Kitchener, 2023, pg. 128.
[5] Frank C. Higgins, Ib. pg. 88.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


The bible words GOY and GOYIM (גוי‎)are officially translated to mean GENTILE, NON-JEW, but this is not the original meaning of these words, but a gene-ral translation understood according to the much la-ter ideological goal of the entire Bible and secret so-cieties within Judaism and Christianity.

In ancient times many Cimmerians, later called Cimbri, Celts and Gauls, i.e. the Thracians [1], lived throug-hout the Middle East, therefore also in Palestine:

”Zimri…A difficult name od a nation God judgedo-ften taken as a copying change from the Hebrew for Cimmerians…” [2]

“In the world’s early history, an old race was known as Gomr, Cumr, Cimmerii, Cumbri, and Kymbry. The Khorsabad inscrinptions, which have a Scythic ele-ment among other old people refer to Cymry, or Tsrimri, a name it is supposed, which designated nomadic tribes without reference to any race or nationality, and which, by their wandering habits as Cumry or Tsrimiri, where distinguished from the set-tled peasantry of the country. Where the Zimri, whom Jeremiah (xxv. 25) associated with the Ela-mites and Medes, portion of this people? The Cymri of Britain where thought by Sir A. Alison to have be-en a branch of the Cimmerians of whom Herodotus wrote…” [3]

"“The primary operational area used by the Cim-merians, and so their proper home at the time of Sargon II and Esarhaddon, was obviously the Za-gros, including Media.” [4]

“Cyrus created a Persian empire Aryan in character, but in wich there are not a single Aryan province. Its name was derived from the Pereshites, Parsi, or Parisii, branch of the Celtic Zimri or Cymri,…” [5]

Since the Cimmerians lived in the Middle East, the-refore also in Palestine, there are many of the same and related words in the Arabic and much later formed Hebrew or Yiddish languages. One of those words is the name GOY, pl. GOYIM.

Celtic GOI, GOIA is morphologically and seman-tically almost the same as biblical GOY: Celtic GOI, GOIA means FAKE KIND [6}. This is the original and oldest meaning of the words GOY and GOYIM.

So, for the founders of Judaism and the writers of the Bible, all non-Jewish peoples are a FAKE KIND and the only true human species for them are the followers of Judaism. So much for the "sanctity" of the Bible, the biblical "God" Yahweh and the ideo-logy of Judaism whose crown is genocidal globalist Zionism.

The words GOY and GOYIM come from the Celtic language of the ancient Cimmerians, i.e. Thracian, because, according to Strabo, the CIMMERIANS and THRACIANS were one people.

[1] Strabo, I, 3, 21; XIII, 1, 8.
[2] Holman QuickSource Bible Dictionary, by the International Bible Society, 1984. ISBN 978-0-8054-9446-4
 [3]  William Beall,, Britain and the Gael: or Notice of old and successive races, Second edition; London, 1860, pg. 26.
[4] Anne Katrine Gade Kristensen, Who were the Cimmerians, and where did they come from? Sargon II, the Cimmerians, and Rusa I; Copenha-gen 1988, pg. 103.
[5] John Campbel, The Hittites, Their Inscriptions and Their History, M.A., LL.D. Vol. II, London, 1891, pg. 304.
[6] Jean-Baptiste Bullet, Mémoires Sur La Langue Celtique, Tome II; Besançon: Claudi Joseph Daclin, 1759, pg. 654.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

How the Cult of Messianic Zionism Conquered the West

The Zionists and the Illuminati, along with other Jesuit Freemasons, are the perpetrators of the coup in the USA, the UK, the Commonwealth of Nations and the EU. Those with the creators of the NWO, which K. Schwab has been writing about since 2016 and which are implemented by the members of his WEF. Zionists and Judeo-Christian religious leaders are the leaders of the NWO agenda, and their freemasons, infiltrated into every pore of the states and society, are their excellent civilian political army, and NATO is their armed forces. The world is entering an even greater war conflict, destruction and bloodshed, which can very easily turn into a global atomic Armageddon. 

More details at the link below:

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


The length of the Pyramid's base (AB) is 231.92867 m, the length of the two sides (ABC) is 463.85734 m. If something were to move at a speed of 463.85734 km/s, in 24 hours, i.e. in 1 day, it would travel 40,077.27418 km and this is the length of the Earth's equator.

Below are the numbers of the measures of Solomon's temple: a) portal height = 120 (cubits) b) length of the temple = 60 c) height of the temple = 30
d) width of the temple = 20

The height of the Great Pyramid is 147.65019 m. This height multiplied by the numbers of measu-rements of Solomon's Temple gives 637,850.1682 km and it is 100 lengths of the Earth's equatorial radius or 50 equatorial diameters.

If we multiply the length of one side of the Pyramid's base (AB) by the numbers of measures of Solo-mon's temple, this is what we get:

a) 231.92867 x 120 x 60 x 30 x 20 = 1,001,931,854 km,
b) 1,001,931,854 : 25 = 40,077,27418 km = the length of the Earth's equator.

If we multiply the two bases of the Pyramid (ABC) with the numbers of measures of Solomon's drama, we get 2,003,863,709 km and this is 50 rotations of the Earth around its own axis in 50 days:
2,003,863,709 : 50 = 40,077,27418 km.
Solomon's temple did not exist, because Solomon is the Sun, and the temple is the Earth.
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