Thursday, August 29, 2024



From 2020, the project of the globalist NWO will begin to be realized. The leaders are the Khazarian banking-technological elite of the Zionists and the top of the Judean Masons, and with them was the Masonic top of the Church, the Masonic tops of the Buddhists, Hindus, Islam and Communists, so all the masked ideologies created by the Khazar Baby-lonian Masons and the time of the Persian King Cyrus of the second half 6th c. BC.

Since the end of February 2022 and the war in Ukraine, there has been a split in the globalist Ma-sonic team, because the Russian Orthodox Masons around Putin (former communists), Communist and Hindu Masons do not agree with the concept and ideology of the NWO of the Western Masons, an ideology that has been used for over two years. spent decades in the countries of the West and the British Commonwealth. Western Freemasons want a world according to the concept of the biblical Messiah: all executive power, all earthly wealth and all natural resources in their communist NWO would be possessed by Khazarian Zionists with the top of Judean Freemasonry and the top of their Church Freemasonry, i.e. Freemasons of Roman Catholi-cism and Protestantism. According to them, the world would be without special peoples with the ideology of transgenderism and without male-fe-male differences (such is the biblical Yahweh who, as a bisexual, gave birth to a bisexual Jesus, i.e. Sophia). It is the Talmudic model of the NWO and it is carried out by the Babylonian Freemasons of Darkness, the Great Magi. Another group of globalists gathers around their political-economic bloc called BRICS and they want to maintain state borders with existing nations and traditional values ​​of life of each nation. Among the Islamic Freemasons, a silent division is emerging only since 2024 and the Zionist-Talmudist genocide against the Palestinians, because the Khazars at the beginning of the formation of those Islamic states appointed their Khazarian Freema-sons as leaders of the Muslims and they are still inhibiting the Islamic resistance to Zionism and se-cretly cooperating with the Zionist-Talmudists. And again as before: everything depends on Putin and Russia and other foreign entities that protect the people of the Light, the Freemasons of the Light, Russia and the Earth.

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