Monday, September 30, 2024


God has no religion, God is dressed in the Sun and embraces all the people of the world with his life-giving energy of love.

With Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam, humanity has no way to the common fu-ture, except for strong national-state borders in which each nation will preserve its language, cul-ture, religion and customs, and equal economic co-operation must rest on the multipolarity, not on the globalist unipolarity represented by the elites from the top of the mentioned religions. Every member state of a global multipolar alliance, eg BRICS, must guarantee all human rights and freedoms to nati-onal and religious minorities in their country ac-cording to the Universal Declaration of Human Rig-hts and Freedoms from the UN Universal Dec-laration of Human Rights. Any imposition of unifor-med single-mindedness, as is done by the West led by the Zionists, Illuminati and other Freemasons at the top of the mentioned religions, will lead to WWIII, atomic and hydrogen bombs, the destruction of humanity and life on Earth.

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